
It is Time to Set the Record Straight

Harmonic Dimensions was born out of the understanding that traditional guiding principles are not negotiable if we intend to maintain a stable, safe and functioning society.  This is a belief system based on time honoured virtues such as justice, prudence, temperance and fortitude.  A code of conduct based on wisdom, pure and simple.

The home front provides the cornerstones that foster these virtues. A child’s early years of primary development are especially crucial in establishing strong foundations of emotional and psychological well being.  There are no shortcuts when it comes to raising children and fulfilling the duties of a parent.  Unconditional love, honesty, time and devotion are essential ingredients.

A disturbing reality is unfolding in New Zealand society, whereby the above principles and resulting qualities are failing to prevail. The power of reason is fast eroding and with it respect and commonsense, positioning us on a dangerously slippery slope.  Our ‘national standard of behaviour’ is at an all time low.  Delinquency is on the rise, largely due to parents and mentors failing in their duty to lead by example, politicians and elected councils included.  This level of civil dissonance is the direct result of a core meltdown within the family unit.

Understanding the means by which this insidious erosion has happened will enable us to work towards restoring a state of equilibrium. Collectively we need to re-evaluate the quality of primary caregiving, along with the legacy of dubious political leadership that has caused the meltdown.  Accountability is called for, in order to set the record straight.

Cardinal virtues are not to be compromised, for it is these very principles upon which the whole of humanity is hinged.  The domestic front is where the first and most important education commences… “The School of Civilised Arts”… specialising in the art of self-discipline, the art of consideration, the art of compassion and the art of discernment, to name a few.  These are invaluable qualities that cultivate strength of character, guiding each individual towards maturation and ultimately integration, as a valuable and contributing member of the village, tribe or society.

Harmonic Dimensions’ intention is to remind people of lost ancient truths, reviving the essence of the domestic arts, in the hope of inspiring universal wisdom.

The key is, The Philosopher’s Stone lies within the home.


the key

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